Ukuqengqeleka ngokuthe ngqo

Ukuqengqeleka ngokuthe ngqo kwe-roller eneempawu
  • Ukuqengqeleka ngokuthe ngqo

Inkcazo emfutshane:

I-the ngqothi ye-roller iqengqelekayo ye-Stores ephambili kwi-Bar ye-Steeel Bight: E, F nge-60 degn xe, xf, xh i-70 deger

  • Ixabiso le-fob:I-US $ 0.5 - 9,999 / isiqwenga
  • I-Min.OPRErI-100 yeziqwenga / iziqwenga
  • Ubuchule boBone:I-10000 yeziqwenga / iziqwenga ngenyanga
  • Izibuko:Shenzhen
  • Immimiselo yokuhlawula:L / c, d / a, d / p, t / t / t
  • Iinkcukacha zemveliso

    Iimpawu zeMveliso


    Ukuqengqeleka ngokuthe ngqo

    Yinxalenye ephambili yokuphumla kwebhanti yentsimbi


    E, f, g, h malunga ne-60 degree

    I-XE, xf, xg, xh i-70 degree

  • Ngaphambili:
  • Okulandelayo:

  • Write your message here and send it to us

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