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Qisqacha tavsif:
Storom Couper Spling Counters modeli Requore Couperga ko'ra, 9 toifaga bo'linadi. (Birlik: mm) 1) 5 2.0 0.071 ph16 25 40 m16.8 0.111 ph18 28 45 M18.75 2.5 0.136 310 m20,75 0.175 33 33 m22.76 0.203 3,205 37 60 m25.75 ...
BuSafrlanadigan ko'p turlarmodel9 ga bo'lingantoifalarResure Couperga ko'ra. (Birlik:mm)
1).BuUmumjonlar parametrlari
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