Hebei Yida ho BIG5 DUBAI 2017

Hebei Yida Reinforcing Bar Connecting Technology Co., LTD. Booth in the BIG5DUBAI2017

Re thoholetsa Hebei Yida Reinforcing Bar Connecting Technology Co., LTD., hang hape, ho nka karolo Pontšong ea BIG5 e Dubai, United Arab Emirates, le ho ba le katleho e felletseng.

Pontšo ea Indasteri ea BIG5 Bochabela bo Hare, e qalileng ka 1980 Bochabela bo Hare, ke pontšo e nang le tšusumetso le e kholo ka ho fetisisa ea kaho, thepa ea mohaho le litšebeletso tsa Middle East.E le khoebo e tsebahalang indastering ea tšepe ea lapeng le ea mochini, Hebei Yida o kentse letsoho ketsahalong ea selemo sena ho tloha ka la 26-29 Pulungoana.

BIG5 e fana ka monyetla oa puisano ea khoebo ea sefahleho le sefahleho ho ikopanya le bareki ba linaha tsa Bochabela bo Hare, hape e fana ka monyetla oa ho bontša lihlahisoa tsa khampani tse kang Hebei Yida Reinforcing Bar Connecting Technology Co., LTD e nang le bokhoni ba ho iketsetsa mekhoa e ikemetseng ea likhoebo tsa tlhahiso. naheng ea China.

'Marakeng oa Bochabela bo Hare, lihlahisoa tsa lihlahisoa tsa lihlahisoa tsa Henglian tse matlafalitsoeng ke mochine oa Hebei Yida Reinforcing Bar Connecting Technology Co., LTD esale e le boleng bo phahameng ba theko e tlaase le ho ratoa ke bareki, ho ntse ho le joalo, ts'ebetso ea sehlahisoa ha e tlase ho feta linaha tse tsoetseng pele tsa Europe le Amerika. lihlahisoa tse tšoanang.

Selemong sena, Hebei Yida e atlehile ho fetisa tsamaiso ea boleng ba UK CARES le setifikeiti sa theknoloji ea sehlahisoa, kahoo e tsebahala haholoanyane har'a bareki ba litsebi le bareki ba morero 'marakeng oa Middle East.

Hebei Yida Reinforcing Bar Connecting Technology Co., LTD. Booth in the BIG5DUBAI2017

Matsatsing a mane a pontšo, Hebei Yida o ile a bonts'a lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele le mesebetsi e metle ho Middle East le bareki ba rekang lefats'e ka bophara, Puisano e tebileng le bareki ba etileng, The BIG5 show e bile le karolo e ntle ho nts'etsapele liteishene tsa khoebo tsa machabeng tsa k'hamphani. nts'etsopele ea khoebo le ho matlafatsa ts'usumetso ea lets'oao.

Hebei Yida Reinforcing Bar Connecting Technology Co., LTD. Booth in the BIG5DUBAI2017

Lephephe la Hebei Yida le ne le le mofuthu le bile le hlophisehile nakong ea pontšo, ’me basebetsi ba Hebei Yida ba ile ba amohela baeti ka mofuthu ’me ba araba lipotso tsa mefuta eohle ka botebo.Ka mor'a lipalo-palo tsa kopano, pontšong ena lephephe la Hebei Yida le amohetse bareki ba makholo, 'me ba bang ba bareki ba kopa ho qotsa le ho beha taelo setšeng.Ho phaella ho khoele e otlolohileng e otlolohileng rebar coupler, batang extrusion rebar coupler, tapered thread rebar coupler le lihlahisoa tse ling tse tloaelehileng, ke Hebei Yida khampani ikemetseng lipatlisiso le ntshetsopele tlhahiso ea matla a phahameng le tshusumetso ho hanyetsa rebar coupler le matching tšehetsa GIRP mochine, jarolla ka ho iketsa rebar fepa. mochini le lisebelisoa tse ling tse felletseng tsa lisebelisoa tsa ho sebetsa le tsona li amehile haholo ke bareki, ka ts'ebetso ea eona e ntle ea tlhahiso le kalafo e felletseng e fumane thoriso ea moreki e le 'ngoe.

Re romelle molaetsa oa hau:

  • * CAPTCHA:Ka kopo, khetha eaSefate

Nako ea poso: Dec-12-2017