Heli yida verstäerkte Barentechnologie Co., LTD., Den 20. Jivessum gegrënnt, ass deen De Staaner, ass deen De Staunpertlagstcluben Technologie Fenzlach: Dollef Technologyfirma.
Company production of various types and specifications of the steel bar connecting sleeve, as well as various types of steel bar connection joint processing equipment and related accessories, including rebar thread rolling machine, steel cover silk, machine head, screw rolling wheel, stripping rib rolling Blade, mechanesch Schäffchen, Dréimomenterkruten an sou gi bei Heem an am Ausland verkaaft.
Our products: stripping rib straight screw sleeve HRB400, stripping rib straight screw sleeve HRB500, upsetting straight thread sleeve, taper thread sleeve, impact resistant sleeve, cold extrusion sleeve anchor, steel plate, the reserved hole sleeve, spline double screw sleeve, steel rolling Riichtaus Fuedem Maschinn, Stripping Rib Stapel direkt dread Maschinn, selbstdidden Silk Maschinn.
Taper thread machine, automatic straight thread set of silk machine, automatic end upsetting machine, ring gauge, thread gauge, torque wrench, mechanical wrench, vertical drilling, chamfering machine, head protective cap, taper sleeve cap, silk chaser, sets of wire cutter Inhger, kalstrockmausschäin, Anker Maschinn, Stol Bar a verstäerkte Micromomputer Prozessor B3.
Hebi yida verstäerkt Bar Technologie Co., Ltd. Ass eng eWAAllen ze Rubrik Bezéiung vun der Ëmgéigend Hierscher, déi personnaliséiere vun verschiddene Produkter berécke.
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Post Zäit: Jul-11-2018